30219 Tapered Roller Bearings 95mmx170mmx34.5mm
Advance 30219 Tapered Roller Bearings 95mmx170mmx34.5mm is your source for quality Taper Roller Bearing and 4-3/4 in overall length: accessories. shop online for home BEARING MFG.CORP. delivery or pick up in one of 3-1/2 to 3-3&#x D our 10000 .
Brand Name: | INA |
Model Number: | 99.5% |
overall length:: | 4-3/4 in |
base width:: | 1-1/2 in |
D: | 3-1/2 to 3-3&#x |
standards met:: | UL, AFBMA, AGMA, ASM |
overall height:: | 2 in |
housing material:: | Cast Iron |
duty type:: | Standard Duty |
base to bore centerline:: | 1 in |
Product Details
overall length: | 4-3/4 in |
base width: | 1-1/2 in |
D | 3-1/2 to 3-3&#x |
standards met: | UL, AFBMA, AGMA, ASM |
overall height: | 2 in |
housing material: | Cast Iron |
duty type: | Standard Duty |
base to bore centerline: | 1 in |
expansion type: | Non-Expansion Bearin |
lubrication type: | Cannot Be Relubricat |